Monday, July 25, 2011

I am a slacker

I am still in about the same place in Sons and Lovers as when I blogged the last time. Shame on me! Boy, I don't know about the rest of you, but this summer has been CRAZY busy! Whew! I'm bound and determined to finish the book before school starts, but that means I've got some serious nights of reading ahead of me. Wish me luck.

Also, a wee bit of an update on The Help-- I got four free tickets to see a pre-screening of the movie! How cool is that? I'm going this evening with Mrs. Gee and two former AP students (Carly- who has read the book- and Karissa). Should be loads of fun! I hope that the movie lives up to the book as much as a movie can! I'll do another blog (probably tomorrow) about the movie and let you know if it's worth seeing. Speaking of movies worth seeing-- Any opinions on Captain America for those of you who may have seen it? That's another one I really want to go to if it's any good.

Peace out, yo!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence

This is a very good book! I like the mix of tragedy and dry humor-- though I'm a bit confused at what the story is "about"-- initially I thought it would be about a woman having an affair (a popular D.H. Lawrence theme), but then the woman got older and it was more about her sons (which makes sense-- the title and all), but then it started talking about the daughter.... and so far there aren't any lovers! :)
However, I'm only about halfway through the book. It is quite good, and I'm enjoying it... I'm just a little lost as to where the story is going.