So... all in all a good book. I can't say it's one of my favorites, but I did enjoy the realistic nature of the characters. I hated Paul for all of his "my mommy is the only woman in my life" and for taking women for granted in general. But I have to say that I surprising liked the relationship that he had with a very unlikely friend. At first I thought it was way too unrealistic that they would be friends, but the more I thought about it, the more it actually made sense.
D.H. Lawrence is a very talented writer and had a great way of phrasing things amazingly well. At one point, about midway through the book, he's describing the night sky and says, "Orion was wheeling up over the wood, his dog twinkling after him, half smothered. For the rest, the world was full of darkness, and silent, save for the breathing of cattle in their stalls." I really got a great mental picture of this English countryside with cows and the sky so amazingly bright above it. I just love those lines.
I would suggest it as a read, most definitely. Well worth the 400+ pages!
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