Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Help- a MUST read!

Wow! I know I said that already-- but wow!
I'm seriously impressed with this book! I love almost everything about it. The ending was less than I wanted, only because I wanted more information about what happened to the characters. The book just kind of turns off. It's not a cliff-hanger, but you are left wondering.

Possibly the thing I enjoy the most with this book is how it incorporates history-- the killing of Medger Evers, the assassination of JFK, the Jim Crowe laws, the burning of the church in Birmingham, etc. I think it gives to story "credibility"-- which is strange, because it's fiction. But the whole point of the book was that it wasn't fiction. Though it wasn't a specific story about a specific place with these exact people doing these exact things... this book could have happened anywhere... and did.

It makes me hope that I would be like Skeeter-- willing to stand up for what I believe in at any cost. I strive to live that way, but I'm sure that I fall short too often.

I strongly recommend that you read this! I'll let any of you borrow my copy if you'd like-- unfortunately  it wouldn't count for your 4 you have to read this summer! :)

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