Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Robinson Crusoe Part 2-- Really, Defoe?

Oh man! I am so mad at how this book ended! I loved the beginning of it, but the end way too abrupt. It was almost like Defoe's wife was getting really mad at him for spending too much time in the den, and was nagging him so he just wrapped it up with, "All these things, with some very surprising incidents in some new adventures of my own, for ten years more, I amy perhaps give a further account of hereafter."
Seriously... that's the last sentence! Really, Defoe? Really? That's how you're going to end a book that you painstakingly went through every detail of survival... then end it with... "and a whole bunch of other stuff happened that I might tell you about later." Really? Really!
Oh well... it was worth the read. I was just a bit mad that he just stopped. Sometimes I want to just punch authors in the face when they do that. But he's dead, so whatevs, yo.

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